Effective and
Timely Communication;
Among other
things, effective and timely communication (formal) is by far the most
important component of any endeavor. Its importance spans long before the
initiation and stays long after the closeout, more than other components, if we
consider the case for projects, However; we Africans, most often, overlooked
the importance of effective and timely communication and pay unnecessary prices,
as the old adage goes “time is money, and then waste time is waste money”.
the continent, policy issues and reforms are talked so much in the case of investments
as setbacks, nevertheless; within the boundaries of the workable platforms themselves,
effective and timely communication remains a barrier but gets no much
take a look at our paper trees, lied on our polished tables, stacked with
letters awaiting our confirmation, authorization, permission, or may be go
ahead instruction; just imagine how much hours, days, weeks and even months
elapsed since they have been there and are counting on our accounts, directly
or indirectly; just imagine how much we discouraged, disappointed, or let
others/partners, investors, donors etc. who come to the continent with a lot of
effort and cost / bear unnecessary expenses due to late responses; just imagine
how much idle labor hours we observe around our offices on a daily basis, which
otherwise would have contributed much to the economy, for unnecessary
projects fail to meet deadlines, if it is in Africa, ‘TIA, this is Africa’,
takes control of the situation irrespective of the possible causes and it has
been the accepted norm for so long.
do we change that, and be able to communicate effectively and timely? When do
we open our channels and renew our names in regards to communication? When is
the time, every one of us care for every other’s time, and give timely
believe it should be right now and onwards. We are at the age of communication.
By hook or by crook, whether we call it revolution, change or transformation,
the norm should be changed before it costs the next generations of Africans as
well. No more ‘TIA’, either.
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